Friday, October 31, 2008

Weekend plans

Another weekend and another decision. As much as I want to go visit grandkids (and watch games), and visit mom and dad, I am torn because I always feel so behind in the sleep dept and just taking the time to relax. Also, there is always stuff to do around the house. I wish we didn't live so far away that it means getting up at the crack of dawn on the weekend to go for a visit.

Well, I think we gave up on the idea of going out of town. So, hopefully, we will sleep in until at least 6:00 and also get caught up on things around the house. One day at a time...

Thursday, October 30, 2008


So most wards seem to have a trunk n treat activity now. When these activities started, they were introduced as an alternative to traditional trick or treating door to door. Now it seems like most wards are holding the activity on another night, even a week before, like Katie's ward last week. But our ward still holds it on Halloween during the normal hours of trick or treating. Ours is exactly that, an alternative to the traditional. Ours is meant to keep the kids off the street and safe. What is your ward doing? And how do you feel about this as an alternative- is it enough for the kids or do you still feel like you need to take them out?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kids and Politics

For those who don't know, in California we are trying to save the traditional marriage between man and woman only. The church is behind this proposition and there are YES ON 8 signs and bumper stickers all over town, including in our yard and on our cars. Recently someone went around and stole the signs out of yards. But between this, the presidential debates and all the TV ads, the kids are picking up a lot.

Yesterday in all her 7 year old wisdom, Faith declared to us "Bobbie Jo is so dumb. She says No on 8 just because the guys promised to build a super WalMart in Blythe and is gonna pay our taxes!" She may be confusing a few issues here, but she knows the answer is YES on 8.

And I overheard Cameron and a church friend discussing the stolen signs. Cameron said, "it just doesn't make any sense, we already know what we are going to vote anyway, we already know what is right" You go Cameron, CTR!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Unless you have lived in a small town like Blythe, you don't know about Homecoming. This town lives for these days. The parade starts at 4:00 and the game at 7:00. The streets will be lined for the parade and there will be floats from not only the 4 classes at the high school but from at least 5 other alumni classes dating back to class of 1960 or so. It is amazing to see. People travel to Blythe from wherever they may now live. They party all weekend. And then the game will be sold out and crowded. But it will be full of green and gold in the stadium. It is always fun to attend even though we have no ties to the past.

Ric, believe it or not, HSM3 is in our theater this weekend also. We always seem to get new movies on their release dates. So I am sure that is on the agenda for tomorrow.
Dad has plans to work outside while cool enough to do so but not cold yet.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Missing my new friends

This may sound really stupid to most of you, but I am missing some friends I have come to know very well over the last 6 weeks. Some of you know them well also, the Cullens, Jacob, Charlie, Billy and others. For those that don't know, it is the characters of the "vampire" book series. I have read the 4 volumes over the past 6 weeks and I became totally enthralled. I loved the Cullen family and Charlie was especially close to my heart. I could only read at the end of a 14 hour day so I did neglect some sleep time to read, but I couldn't stop reading. I am hard on myself too, so I didn't allow myself to read if I had other chores needing done. But lucky for me I took 2 road trips during that 6 weeks and while Ray drives, I read. I won't give away the ending, but I could NOT stop reading the last 300 pages at all. I guess I will need to find something else to begin reading soon.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's been happening this week

First, I have to say, I am using Amy's laptop, first time ever to use a laptop and I love it but I am also really slow at it and keep making mistakes. But for some reason I am not able to blog or make comments on other blogs on my work computer anymore and so I am trying to quickly post something while Amy takes her shower.

We've had minor illnesses around here. Ryan woke up one day last week with his right eye completely swollen shut. It didn't open for 3 days. The doctor treated it as an eye infection but I think he got bit or stung just by the eye. But once it was opened, it was just fine. I have also had what is being treated as an eye infection for 2 weeks but still have a stye. It's ugly but only bothers me when I am tired. Ray had a dizzy spell which kept him home one day but doctor's ran some test and couldn't find a reason for it.

I had an old friend riding a Greyhound bus call me up and said she had a 30 minute stop in Blythe and I ran down to meet her and get in a quick visit. It's a shame when friends are only passing through Blythe... Oh, well. But Blythe is alive and well this week because it is Homecoming and anyone who knows Blythe knows that all the old timers come home for the events.

I finished up with a grant I was writing for a bus replcement and that is a big relief. Now I will begin looking for optional ways to purchase fuel because the district's budget is tight this year with next year looking worse, so we are trying to come up with some creative ideas for fueling the buses. But, I have to admit that I enjoy keeping busy at work, it helps the day go by quicker. I have only had to drive a bus one afternoon this year (so far) so when I did, it was enjoyable.

I have now finished the "vampire" books and loved them. But they did interfere with my sleep habits, so it is probably good that I am done. I am looking forward to getting into something else.

Well, Amy needs the computer for homework (what nerve!) so I guess I will close now. I will try to post more often but sometimes there isn't much to say. But, I will mention I spoke to Grandpa today and he says to tell everyone that they are doing well. They just had full physicals and got clean bill of health except a little high cholesterol which they should be able to control with diet (it helps having a dietitian cooking for you). He told Grandpa his heart sounds great. And Grandma is losing weight (about 1-2 # per week) so she is happy. They really seem happy.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wonderful trip to Salt Lake City/ General Conference

Well we had a great visit with Di and Rich this past weekend. We have not been to Salt Lake City for a long time (20 years?), so we were totally impressed with the beautiful city. At least the area around temple square. We spent one day doing the tourist stuff and then one full day at conference. Between Di and Rich's missionary tickets and our cousin-in-law's Tabernacle Choir tickets (Ed Thompson directed the choir in the Sat. AM session) we had great seats on the main floor of the beautiful 21,000 capacity conference center. I took the picture of the Presidency from our seats. And of course, I think the talks were given directly to me.
It was fun to spend the day with the Berrys as we toured the "underground tunnels' of SLC (even if we didn't run into a general authority). It was a beautiful day on Friday but rained all day Saturday. We parked up a hill ( I added the picture for a little sympathy) from the center and had to walk to the car to have our "picnic" lunch in-between sessions and then back up there again after the last session. It was no problem for the others, but I realized I won't be running any marathons in the near future. And with the added rain... plus I'm a little bit of a klutz, so me in church shoes, in the rain and walking up a big hill, not a good combination. So I solved the problem by removing my shoes and putting on a thick pair of socks to walk in. Yes, my feet were soaked, but at least I didn't fall down, trip, or break an ankle.
The other great part of the trip was me and Ray having some alone time. Even though I have to admit I'm not the best traveling partner. We stopped in Vegas on the way and I bought the 3rd vampire book so I could continue reading the series without interruption. So, needless to say, I read until I dozed then woke up and read again. Not that Ray minded too much, he is a true trucker and listens to "Road Dog" radio. But, like I said, I love having some time alone and away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives.
Well, I managed to download my pictures, now if I can just learn how to arrange them, space them out and be able to write under them and all that. I'll keep working on that. And now that I have all my pictures downloaded, I will do a random picture blog of all the pictures that go with my previous posts.