Looking forward to seeing Ray and his family this weekend. They are coming to help Amy with her move. Anthony and Josh are so grown now and really great workers (they have their dad's work ethic!). Both are active in scouts and enjoy the campouts.. Anthony was just called to be Teacher's Quorum president. We are very proud of them and their progress in church, school and scouts.
Blythe weather has been so great, hopefully it will stay for the weekend move. It is raining in LA area, but here it is sunny and warm. Perfect spring weather, doors and windows open kind of weather. We actually hit about 88 the other day and Cam and Faith played in the water on the trampoline that day. But now it is about 78-80 and perfect.
We enjoyed another fun ward campout last weekend. We are truly blessed in Blythe to have this beautiful location (church land) and cooperating weather which allows us 2 campouts a year. These are the ultimate ward activities because it brings everyone out of their element and into nature. Singing around the campfire, some spiritual and some silly songs, is a memorable moment. And I especially love that kids can be turned loose and everyone watches everyone, everyone plays with everyone and everybody shares their delicious campfire foods. What good, clean, family fun!
I am keeping extremely busy at work now since I realize that I need to leave here with "words of wisdom" to pass on to the next supervisor. I realize that too much information is only in my head and not written down anywhere. Maybe too small of a district, of a town, people know people, know all the streets, know all the special ed students and their needs, almost too personal because you can just "make it work" without having to figure out the formula. But chances are they will bring in someone from the outside or someone without transportation knowledge and then they will have to know where to go for answers. So I will try to formulate some sort of guide before I go (there was nothing here when I came and only an 18 yr old clerk to "teach me" everything.) So, while it will help the time to fly, it will also be tedious work and I'm not looking forward to doing it. But, I also don't want my ears to burn when I leave because the new person is talking about me and cursing at me for not giving them enough information. So, back to work I go...