I've been looking back at some old posts and realize I don't mention too much about Ryan and some of you may wonder what's up with him. So, here's the update on Ryan. Not much new with him. He still attends the Sheltering Wings workshop daily. He likes seeing his friends and spending his free time "hanging out". But he also attends some college classes, this semester he has Life Skills Math, Reading, Computer, Music and Crafts and PE twice a week. He still works at ACE Hardware (for 8 years now) in the nursery dept. He loves getting a paycheck and having spending money in his wallet. He continues to do chores around the house without being asked. He has taken the sole responsibility of trash, taking it out of the house, taking the dumpsters to the curb every week, and sorting the recycling. He also sweeps outside- the driveway, the neighbors' gutters, the sidewalk from here to Amy's, etc. He unloads the dishwasher ( a few times before the dishes have been washed!). He empties his laundry basket daily and is awesome about getting his clothes ready for the next day every night before he goes to bed. He looks forward to attending Institute class every Wed. night and church every Sunday. He loves to sing in the church choir. His church callings include "chairs set-up" and a home teaching companion to Ray and he takes those very seriously. Ryan seems to miss having the kids and his sisters at home anymore, but he loves being Uncle Ryan when any come around. I have to admit, I love the way all of his nieces and nephews respect him and his space. He is a good uncle. He takes care of Amy too. He looks for any mail for her that comes to our house and will take it to her house. He will take his broom over there also and keeps her carport clean. Ryan "reads" his scriptures daily and has even "written" a book about them. I found pages and pages and pages of written lettering which he had copied from the scriptures daily. I tried to ask him about it but he seemed embarassed and soon stopped doing it.
Ryan is a great kid who is now a man to be proud of and I love him very much.