I hate that I don't have pictures to post with this.
Yesterday we decided we needed to trim the trees in front yard in order to decorate for Christmas. By we, I guess I should say I. I knew Ray wanted to get it done but also wanted to do other things but this was my priority for the day. We had considered hiring a tree trimmer but decided we could use the money elsewhere. So, we started at 10:00 AM and 4 1/2 hours later we were done. Ray used his long pole cutter and started taking off the leafy branches. I used the smaller cutters and cut each branch into 4 ft pieces and then Ryan, Cameron and Faith took these pieces and stacked them nicely in a large pile by the sidewalk for the city workers to come by and collect this week. They also raked and swept into piles all the leaves and put them all in the trash bins. Cam's favorite task was to get in the bins and stomp down the leaves. It was hard work but luckily it was a cool day to work. And as soon as we got done with the trees, we began the yard decorating. It was so worth it! And to add to the day, our next-door neighbor was assembling his large nativity set in his yard and hanging lights. And the neighbor next to him is a city councilman and he and others were assembling the city council float for the parade that night. We had great conversations and shared the Christmas spirit as we all did our thing. It always feels so good to accomplish the hard work while working together- nice quality time. And then we were able go to the parade and relax and enjoy!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The real thing- WEDDING 10/10/10

So, as you can see, it turned out real nice. There will be more pictures to come. These are from Brandie's camera but there were plenty of others taking pictures including Gentry's uncle, a professional. He just went home today so I imagine it will be a couple of weeks before we see those pics. The college was the perfect setting for the wedding and reception (actually a little small for the reception). You can see how the nature was a beautiful backdrop and inside, the twilight sunset was behind the head table. Unfortunately, I did not get to visit as much as I would have wanted to, but it was a great day.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
time is flying by
When I was really retired and got to do whatever I wanted everyday, time seemed to drag on and I thought the wedding was so far away and I was so on top of it. But now that I am working again, the wedding is just around the corner and I can't seem to get everything done. Everyday I think, I need a day off! We are interviewing today for the position, so hopefully, just another week or so and then I can retire again.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Just us Grandmas
So, last Thursday I drove to Lakewood to drop off Faith and Cameron plus Jessica's two youngest, Cole and Lindsey at Kathy's house. Kathy had asked Amy if they could come spend some time with her while her AZ kids were there for the summer. Since Amy's schedule is so weird and she is still traveling to Phoenix each week, she just couldn't figure how to make this happen. Well, I wanted to visit with my parents and spend the night with them but I always have grandkids with me when I go that far, so it all worked out. I dropped the kids off then went back to Covina to spend the day/night with mom and dad. I had a nice lunch with them and then we went to the stores- KMart, JoAnn's, Staples and Dollar Tree. I dropped them off to let them have a rest and then I went back out to get my haircut. We then dined together for a nice leisurely dinner and were back in the apt. by 6:00 PM. They were pretty much done for the evening. We all read books, mom did some needlepoint and dad turned on the news. There was a thunder shower which took us out to the patio for a spell, but other than that, it was a pretty boring evening. They both retired to bed at 7:45. Well, I tried to read myself to sleep, but even that didn't work. I watched some TV, went back on the patio for awhile and then finally fell asleep about 10:00. But it was hot (no, not Blythe Hot, but uncomfortable and humid) and mom does not like the air conditioning. It's not that they don't run it because of money, mom just prefers "real" air. But even sleeping in front of the patio door which was wide open, there was not a breeze and I had ceiling fan overhead on full blast. So, I woke up a few times and was glad when they got up at 5:30 AM, because I went in and took a cold shower. After a nice breakfast at 7:00, mom and I went to a few more stores (a party store that she always wondered about, Rite Aid for her shower caps, and Fresh and Easy Market because dad doesn't like to go there- even though she bought nothing) I then packed up my car and headed for Lakewood again. Kathy and I had decided we would do something with all the kids that day and Brandie had the day off, so she and kids were meeting us too. We met at the park where Bailey and Ella were having swim lessons. We had talked about going to the beach or to a museum, but nixed both ideas because 1) it was too hot and 2) it was after noon already and going to museum that late would put us in LA traffic coming home. So we went to Josh and Angie's to swim. The kids had fun and we got to visit and catch up. In the afternoon, Josh came home and planned to clean the pool, so we got kids out and headed back to Kathy's. Josh and Angie then created camp Middough in their backyard and had us bring the kids back over for the night. They had 2 tents (boys and girls) and a fire pit for roasting marshmellows and making s'mores. We had pizza and sat around the campfire while some swam and we played campfire games like "telephone". It was a nice way to spend the evening. Alisa spent the night too but Robert was catching a flight at 5:30 AM the next day, so he couldn't stay. But Ray's family was all there for the campfire part and the swimming. Kathy and I then went back to her house for a good night's sleep. Angie was planning pancakes for the morning, so I knew I had time to go shopping for awhile before the kids would be ready to come home. Kathy planned to take advantage of a quiet house and clean and do laundry. I hit some yard sales (just across the street from K's there was a block yard sale- 20 sales within walking) I didn't get much, but it was fun going. Then I hit a few more stores. There was a sale at JC Pennys on dressy dresses and I decided to look for something for the wedding (for those that know, yes, I still have the other one but it needs altered and I'm not so sure about it anymore). Well, I found two and couldn't decide on my own, so I left.
Kathy had gone and got the kids and texted me, so I went home and then we decided what to do for the day. We decided to go to Cabrillo Beach and aquarium. The aquarium was cheap but everyone loved it. It had a touch tank and research center too. Ray and the big boys went with us too.When we got there, they were turning cars around because parking lot was full, but Kathy knew a back way in, so we got in and had great parking spots. After the aquarium, we went to the beach but didn't think we would stay too long since it was windy (sandy) and water was cold, but we ended up having to drag the kids away about 6 PM. Most of them spent most the time making a huge city with a mote all the way around it. On the way home, Kathy and I decided to make a simple dinner of deli roasted chicken and mashed potaoes. We got all the kids showered and in pj's and eating on the patio in just an hour or so. Then her and I went back to JC Penney's to see the dresses (she had an additional coupon and it expired that day). I got a dress and I'm happy. We returned, had some ice cream bars and put everyone down for bed. I then left Sunday morning to head back to Blythe but brought Josh and Alisa back with us (Anthony missed out again because of football conditioning). They are getting a ride back on Thurs. with a friend from Blythe going to see Brandie.
I have to say, it was so much fun having all the grandkids together without the parents or our husbands around to set parameters- we did what we wanted whenever we wanted to. We got in a good visit and it was all good. Once again, I am hoping to post pictures soon.
Kathy had gone and got the kids and texted me, so I went home and then we decided what to do for the day. We decided to go to Cabrillo Beach and aquarium. The aquarium was cheap but everyone loved it. It had a touch tank and research center too. Ray and the big boys went with us too.When we got there, they were turning cars around because parking lot was full, but Kathy knew a back way in, so we got in and had great parking spots. After the aquarium, we went to the beach but didn't think we would stay too long since it was windy (sandy) and water was cold, but we ended up having to drag the kids away about 6 PM. Most of them spent most the time making a huge city with a mote all the way around it. On the way home, Kathy and I decided to make a simple dinner of deli roasted chicken and mashed potaoes. We got all the kids showered and in pj's and eating on the patio in just an hour or so. Then her and I went back to JC Penney's to see the dresses (she had an additional coupon and it expired that day). I got a dress and I'm happy. We returned, had some ice cream bars and put everyone down for bed. I then left Sunday morning to head back to Blythe but brought Josh and Alisa back with us (Anthony missed out again because of football conditioning). They are getting a ride back on Thurs. with a friend from Blythe going to see Brandie.
I have to say, it was so much fun having all the grandkids together without the parents or our husbands around to set parameters- we did what we wanted whenever we wanted to. We got in a good visit and it was all good. Once again, I am hoping to post pictures soon.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
grandkids' visit 2010
I don't have pictures to post yet, but wanted to journal about this visit. On Monday June21st, Brandie drove 14 yr old Josh, 7 yr old Robert and 4 yr old Alisa to Blythe. Add them to 11yr old Cameron and 9 yr old Faith and it was a fun mix. Amy was working so Brandie & I just hung out with the kids.We pretty much just swam and played Wii/ DS's all day. On Tues. June 22nd Ric arrived with 8 y old Alainna, 6 yr old Isabel and 1 yr old Seven. It was late evening, so we just ate dinner and got ready for the night. Ric left early AM on Wed. to drive to Phoenix to pick up 12 yr old Mary Beth from the airport. So, again, we just hung out during the day because temp. was over 100 everyday and closer to 110 a few days. Ric then left early Fri AM to go back to Phoenix airport to fly out to New Orleans to join Diona who is attending a 2 week class for her job. They enjoyed 4 days together in hot and humid weather while we were sweating it out here. But the kids didn't seem to mind. They swam off and on all day and night. Most of the time, Amy took all the kids except Seven to her house to sleep (one big cousin slumber party). Ray and I enjoyed our alone time with Seven in the evenings and Seven got Grandpa in the swimming pool every night. Seven sleeps well and wakes up in a good mood at about 6 am. He loved going out in the backyard in the mornings because he isn't allowed out during the day. After a couple of days, all the kids, including Seven, got used to our big dog Belle and Cam & Faith's little dog, Roxy and they were always under foot too. It was actually chaos during the days with everyone staying in most the time, but it worked. Cousins can argue and disagree, but for the most part they get along great. Ray and Brandie came back on Saturday to pick up their kids and stayed through Sunday. Everyone made it to church on time (if you allow for walking in on opening hymn). I hope primary survived the Bolton evasion. Poor Mary Beth is too old for primary and does not attend church at home, and she did not want to go to Young Women's, but she too survived.
Unfortunately, Faith developed a headache and then a fever last night and has not been able to play with cousins today. But, we expect her to be back in form soon. Diona will be arriving in Phoenix on Friday afternoon and Ric will once again make that trip to pick her up. They will stay until Sunday AM, then head to Ray and Brandie's to see them and others for a few hours but then will begin the long drive home. They plan to spend Sunday night in Sacramento with Dee's family and then be home by Monday night to return to work on Tues. It has been a great visit even if exhausting at times. Grandkids really rule our world!
Unfortunately, Faith developed a headache and then a fever last night and has not been able to play with cousins today. But, we expect her to be back in form soon. Diona will be arriving in Phoenix on Friday afternoon and Ric will once again make that trip to pick her up. They will stay until Sunday AM, then head to Ray and Brandie's to see them and others for a few hours but then will begin the long drive home. They plan to spend Sunday night in Sacramento with Dee's family and then be home by Monday night to return to work on Tues. It has been a great visit even if exhausting at times. Grandkids really rule our world!
Monday, June 7, 2010
journal entry- losing the memories
It's another sleepless night. I have no trouble falling asleep when my head hits the pillow the first time, it's only a problem if I wake up during the night and then I can't fall back asleep. So needless to say, I get a lot of "planning" done in my head as I lay there thinking of everything that needs to be done. I am retired and don't really have a lot on my plate (on a day to day basis) but I mentally plan every event of my life while trying to go back to sleep. Sometimes I have been conscious enough to write things down during my brainstorming minutes, but mostly it is forgotten by the time I actually need to "act on it". So goes the senior years. I do think my most frustrating times are losing my memories. I am glad I did journal regularly for awhile (during my peak mom years) so I can go back and read it, but for the most part, details are fading away and that makes me sad. I love being with my sisters and reminiscing about our childhood, it helps keep the memories alive. And now I have started to journal again on a regular basis to be able to share as many memories as I can with my prosperity.
I remember thinking during our younger days that what I really wanted to happen (in my perfect world) was for my mom & dad to own a big piece of property and then each of my sisters and I and our families could all live on a compound, each having a separate house but a common playground, swimming pool, bbq area, etc. I'm sure no one else would have liked my perfect world scenario, but I dreamed about that for years. I loved living near my sisters and loved the closeness of the cousins. Then, later in life, as my family grew, I had the same thoughts of a compound only this time with my grown kids and their families living surrounding us. My perfect world is not a reality and I have come to except that fact, but I still hate that I can't have everyone that I love close at hand on a daily basis.
Okay, I just re-read this post and realize it is a little depressing, but that is how I am feeling right now, a little funky. I know this too shall pass. Life goes on, more memories are made and more memories may be lost by some but a new generation can take those memories and pass them on and the circle of life continues. What a wonderful plan our Heavenly Father has created! FAMILIES ARE FOREVER
I remember thinking during our younger days that what I really wanted to happen (in my perfect world) was for my mom & dad to own a big piece of property and then each of my sisters and I and our families could all live on a compound, each having a separate house but a common playground, swimming pool, bbq area, etc. I'm sure no one else would have liked my perfect world scenario, but I dreamed about that for years. I loved living near my sisters and loved the closeness of the cousins. Then, later in life, as my family grew, I had the same thoughts of a compound only this time with my grown kids and their families living surrounding us. My perfect world is not a reality and I have come to except that fact, but I still hate that I can't have everyone that I love close at hand on a daily basis.
Okay, I just re-read this post and realize it is a little depressing, but that is how I am feeling right now, a little funky. I know this too shall pass. Life goes on, more memories are made and more memories may be lost by some but a new generation can take those memories and pass them on and the circle of life continues. What a wonderful plan our Heavenly Father has created! FAMILIES ARE FOREVER
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Trip to Washington and 11 month old Seven (part 1 of 2)
Who is Seven waiting for? In the new house, the windows are tiptoe level for Seven to see out of and he was always looking out the windows. He loved watching his sisters play outside and in the pic on the left, he is watching Grandpa talk to a neighbor. I should have opened the window so Gpa could hear him calling him.
This is his reaction when I called him.
Yeah, this is why the trip to Washington was so much fun!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Family rocks!
I am so enjoying my time in Washington helping Diona and kids move into their new house on base. They are moving from a very crowded 3 bd. apt with "kid gates" lining the living room/ kitchen to keep Seven out of things (like the "pantry" under the computer desk). There just isn't even space for an infant/toddler to get around and explore properly. And since they moved from a 4 bedroom house in Virginia to this 3bd apt, they have not unpacked lots of boxes which have lined the perimeter of several rooms (and closets and garage is top to bottom loaded with boxes). It will be so nice to have a house again with a backyard for the girls and a sidewalk to chalk with their art and all those good things. I love being here but I always feel guilty because I get to be here and Ray doesn't. But this time he does. He will be here tomorrow and I am so excited. I hate trying to tell him details of what is going on here and what the kids are doing and saying. I am so glad to share this experience with him this time. The kids are excited too. They get Grandpa all to themselves. And, it feels good to be able to help Ric and Diona. With Ric being underway, this move will be just one more nice surprise to come home to (not really a surprise, of course he knows they are moving, but it will be done for him!) But, believe me when I say, Diona could have done this herself (we may be helping to make it easier, but she is one self sufficient woman) She does so much on a daily basis for her family. She is so dependable at work, always taking on the extra tasks and committees no one else wants, and yet she is an awesome mom who spends every minute of the day with the kids in mind. I am in awe when I see how much she accomplishes in one day (up and going at 4:00 AM everyday). Somehow she manages to keep up with household, the kids, herself and all others in need. She has been taking the missionary discussions and attending church and is faithful in reading with the kids each night from the book of mormon stories. She is one of the strongest women I know and I am so happy to have her in our family. I know Ric hates being away from the family but I know he knows that Diona is capable of running things smoothly while he is away. Thanks Diona for being a special part of his and our lives. We love you.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
church callings
I don't know the exact date I was put in as cub scout den leader, and sometimes I just don't think about it because it is a simple calling that I enjoy. But this upcoming week is our cub scout day camp and I realize that this is the 3rd one I have been involved in, so I guess I have been in about 3 years. Actually, I was Cameron's wolf leader for 1/2 his year and he is about to move on to 11 year old scouts. Wow, when you have a comfortable calling you don't seem to care.
But, how well I remember being RS president and I could've sworn I was in for 4 years when it was only close to 3. That was a tough time. And even activity committee chairman was one that seemed to last forever (even though I had secretly coveted that position when I got called). So, now that I have come to this knowledge and I admit that I am totally comfortable here, I will probably get a new calling!
But, how well I remember being RS president and I could've sworn I was in for 4 years when it was only close to 3. That was a tough time. And even activity committee chairman was one that seemed to last forever (even though I had secretly coveted that position when I got called). So, now that I have come to this knowledge and I admit that I am totally comfortable here, I will probably get a new calling!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Some wedding information

The flower girls couldn't wait to try on their dresses and practice throwing flowers.
This is where we are having Cami's wedding, at the golf course. This gap in the fence is where the archway will go (yes, Linda, Teri said she has it in her shed and we can use it). My problems are the back wall
, especially the part with the big gate in the wall. But I suppose that lots of tulle will help cover up. I am hoping to get a piece of carpeting to put down first and then white down for the center aisle. The plan is for a twilight wedding with the sun setting behind us. The guests will be facing the fence/ archway so you can see the nice view. Any suggestions are welcomed.

The plan is then to have the reception in the restaurant except it is not a restaurant at this time. The city owns the restaurant and a guy named Dale is leasing it and not opened it yet and says he is not sure when he will, but he will let us use it and cater if necessary
Saturday, March 6, 2010
"I love to see (and attend) the Temple"
I just love spending the day at the temple. I have to admit I hate the thought of giving up a whole day to go, but it is so worth it once I get there. There were about 12 members of our ward together and we had family names from 2 members. We did initiatory work and an endowment session, so it was a real blessing. I didn't have to drive, was in good company all day and made a quick visit to the bookstore also. I am hoping to someday live closer to a temple, but for now, I will try to remember the wonderful feelings I felt today and continue to attend at least once a month with the ward. For those who live close to a temple, I hope you appreciate it.
On the down side, I had planned to call Lindsey while in Mesa and she was going to meet us at the temple so I could meet Mayan. When I first got down to the church this morning, I called Ray to let him know I would not be driving and the car would be in the parking lot. I then, hurriedly, gathered my belongings and jumped in another car. It wasn't til I got to the temple that I realized my phone was not with me (apparently never made it back in the purse, but on the floor of my car) . But I will go visit the Morris family sometime next week when Di is in Phoenix visiting her kids/grandkids, she and I will go see Lindsey.
So, now that I am refreshed and uplifted, I look forward to the week to come. Ray and I just completed the family history/temple class in Sunday School and have begun the family search for his family. I am looking forward to seeing what information we can gather and begin the important work to be done for his ancestors. It is such a blessing.
On the down side, I had planned to call Lindsey while in Mesa and she was going to meet us at the temple so I could meet Mayan. When I first got down to the church this morning, I called Ray to let him know I would not be driving and the car would be in the parking lot. I then, hurriedly, gathered my belongings and jumped in another car. It wasn't til I got to the temple that I realized my phone was not with me (apparently never made it back in the purse, but on the floor of my car) . But I will go visit the Morris family sometime next week when Di is in Phoenix visiting her kids/grandkids, she and I will go see Lindsey.
So, now that I am refreshed and uplifted, I look forward to the week to come. Ray and I just completed the family history/temple class in Sunday School and have begun the family search for his family. I am looking forward to seeing what information we can gather and begin the important work to be done for his ancestors. It is such a blessing.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Science Fair winners again!

Cameron (5th grade) is moving on to district level - he will be judged again Tuesday.
And Faith (grade 3) is a little disappointed because for the first time this year, grades K-3 can do a project for the school, but do not move on to district level. But at school level Faith got a 1st place ribbon.
Cameron's was titled "2 Blind Mice- running through a maze" and that was exactly what it was. He tested his mice, Jack and Zack, going through a cardboard maze to see if they did it any quicker for a certain reward. He had fun with this.
Faith did a taste survey (in front of Albertson's) to see if people pick a jelly bean by color or taste. This was just up her alley (talking with people /eating).
They both impressed the judges with their ability to explain their project and not be shy about it.
Science fair projects are my "responsibility". Amy doesn't have time. Grandpa doesn't have time. So, it has been me for the last 4 years and I really enjoy it (if we find something they are interested in doing). And, they have each won every year!
So if anyone needs to do a science fair project and just needs an idea or help, this grandma may have some helpful hints.
UPDATE: Cam won a 1st place at district level and was 1 of 6 top scores (out of 101 projects) who gets to move on to county level
Sunday, February 14, 2010
What 4-day weekend? / Happy Anniversary?
Since Amy had surgery on Jan. 29 and then took off 10 days for recovery, she was scheduled to work all this week and everyday of the weekend. Too bad this happened to be our anniversary weekend also. But, seriously, we weren't really planning to do too much about the anniversary since we decided to take a trip to British Columbia in April. So, the weekend starts with Friday and Ray has 2 doctor appointments scheduled in Palm Springs area. I decided to go with him and at least we made a day of it- lunch, dinner and shopping. But reality back in Blythe- Faith had a 8:00 am soccer game on Saturday, followed by Cameron's at 10:30. And it is the last weekend before science fair, so we had projects to finish. Then it happens to be our stake conference which meant a Saturday evening adult meeting and then a Sunday 9:00 meeting for everyone. Busy, busy weekend and no rest for the weary!
But Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband of 35 years! I love him and appreciate his love and support. I am looking forward to a slowed-down version of life with him in the near future.
But Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband of 35 years! I love him and appreciate his love and support. I am looking forward to a slowed-down version of life with him in the near future.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Blog vs. Facebook
I hate to admit it, but it is so much simpler to just make a comment on FB than to type a post for the blog. But, I miss hearing details about everyone's families. I get on here now and just go directly to Ashley's and Katie's blogs because they are most likely to have new posts. Danielle is good too, Christie and Audra are so-so, Jessica is okay, but, the rest of us, are just lousy at updating blogs. Everyone is busy, some computers are SLOWER than others, and some people just don't think they have any NEW news to share, but we really should try to post more often (think of it as the PARKINS PRESS made easy) if nothing more than writing our history. I will often print the latest posts out to take to Grandma and Grandpa when I am going to visit. I know they appreciate the news and the pictures.
So get back on here and post something! Everyone try to post at least once a month if you can. Thanks
So get back on here and post something! Everyone try to post at least once a month if you can. Thanks
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Another catching up post
I am so used to writing remarks on Facebook, and I forget to blog. So here's what has happened since Thanksgiving:
We enjoyed a quiet Christmas Eve and Christmas morning since this was the first Christmas in years that we didn't have kids/grandkids living in the house with us and spending Christmas morning here. So after we all got up and showered, Ray, Ryan and I went downstairs and opened gifts. We got a Wii this year and Ryan bowls everyday, he loves it. Amy & kids came over a while later and then Ray & Brandie with family came later. We had a nice turkey and ham dinner with the missionaries and another single guy from the ward. It was nice.
Ray, Brandie and Josh went home on Sunday but Anthony (16), Robert (7) and Alisa (4) stayed for the week. Amy moved from "just across the alley" to "2 blocks west of us" and Anthony was Amy's biggest help with the move. They now have a cute house with 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, dining room and a bonus room between 2 bedrooms which is the overflow toy room. And it is $300 a month less than the apt. The kids are both happy too.
New Year's Eve was a fun night also. We had the Dean family (m,d, and 4 boys) over for dinner and games. We just played games and ate snacks all night and we all managed to stay awake until midnight. We went out and made lots of noise and then we crashed. It was fun!
The new year started out well. We have beautiful weather in Blythe. Ray (with the help of a cabinet maker friend) made the grandkids a clubhouse for our backyard. It is a real nice house and I think they will have lots of fun in it. If I ever figure out the camera/computer thing, I will send a picture along.
I hurt my back (during Amy's move but not that I was moving anything, just unpacking a box) and was in bad shape for about 2 weeks. It was an old injury re-injured and usually heals on it's own after a few days, but this time it got worse daily. I finally gave up and went to the chiropractor and felt better in 3 days. In the meantime, I was useless around the house. I wanted to sit with heat/ice all the time. I read 2 books in five days and all my magazines. Going up and down the stairs was almost impossible. But all well now.
This last weekend, Di and Rich, Kathy and my mom and dad came for a visit. D & R slept at Amy's and the others stayed here. We had a nice visit with lots of talking and storytelling. We went to Quartzsite to look for a lady who was selling watch faces and Di was teaching us how to make the beaded bands that you interchange with the watch face but we couldn't find the booth. Mom had a hard time walking with her walker on the gravel/dirt, so we didn't stay too long. But once at home, we sat down and did some beading and enjoyed the sister time (yes, we missed you Linda and Rhonda). Thanks Di for your help. I ended up going back the next day with Ryan and kids to find that booth and buy my watch because I was excited to wear my new jewelry. We spent the entire day there, eating good stuff and visiting all the vendors. It sprinkled off and on all day and I thought it would keep the crowds away, but no such luck. But we had a good day and bought some silly stuff. My front door now has a sign that says "This house owned and operated solely for the comfort and convenience of the GRANDKIDS" It was between that and one that said "what happens at Grandma's, stays at Grandma's"
Anyway, that is the latest updates around here (even though it is all old news!) and I will try to be better at blogging on a regular basis.
We enjoyed a quiet Christmas Eve and Christmas morning since this was the first Christmas in years that we didn't have kids/grandkids living in the house with us and spending Christmas morning here. So after we all got up and showered, Ray, Ryan and I went downstairs and opened gifts. We got a Wii this year and Ryan bowls everyday, he loves it. Amy & kids came over a while later and then Ray & Brandie with family came later. We had a nice turkey and ham dinner with the missionaries and another single guy from the ward. It was nice.
Ray, Brandie and Josh went home on Sunday but Anthony (16), Robert (7) and Alisa (4) stayed for the week. Amy moved from "just across the alley" to "2 blocks west of us" and Anthony was Amy's biggest help with the move. They now have a cute house with 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, dining room and a bonus room between 2 bedrooms which is the overflow toy room. And it is $300 a month less than the apt. The kids are both happy too.
New Year's Eve was a fun night also. We had the Dean family (m,d, and 4 boys) over for dinner and games. We just played games and ate snacks all night and we all managed to stay awake until midnight. We went out and made lots of noise and then we crashed. It was fun!
The new year started out well. We have beautiful weather in Blythe. Ray (with the help of a cabinet maker friend) made the grandkids a clubhouse for our backyard. It is a real nice house and I think they will have lots of fun in it. If I ever figure out the camera/computer thing, I will send a picture along.
I hurt my back (during Amy's move but not that I was moving anything, just unpacking a box) and was in bad shape for about 2 weeks. It was an old injury re-injured and usually heals on it's own after a few days, but this time it got worse daily. I finally gave up and went to the chiropractor and felt better in 3 days. In the meantime, I was useless around the house. I wanted to sit with heat/ice all the time. I read 2 books in five days and all my magazines. Going up and down the stairs was almost impossible. But all well now.
This last weekend, Di and Rich, Kathy and my mom and dad came for a visit. D & R slept at Amy's and the others stayed here. We had a nice visit with lots of talking and storytelling. We went to Quartzsite to look for a lady who was selling watch faces and Di was teaching us how to make the beaded bands that you interchange with the watch face but we couldn't find the booth. Mom had a hard time walking with her walker on the gravel/dirt, so we didn't stay too long. But once at home, we sat down and did some beading and enjoyed the sister time (yes, we missed you Linda and Rhonda). Thanks Di for your help. I ended up going back the next day with Ryan and kids to find that booth and buy my watch because I was excited to wear my new jewelry. We spent the entire day there, eating good stuff and visiting all the vendors. It sprinkled off and on all day and I thought it would keep the crowds away, but no such luck. But we had a good day and bought some silly stuff. My front door now has a sign that says "This house owned and operated solely for the comfort and convenience of the GRANDKIDS" It was between that and one that said "what happens at Grandma's, stays at Grandma's"
Anyway, that is the latest updates around here (even though it is all old news!) and I will try to be better at blogging on a regular basis.
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