Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some wedding information

The flower girls couldn't wait to try on their dresses and practice throwing flowers.
This is where we are having Cami's wedding, at the golf course. This gap in the fence is where the archway will go (yes, Linda, Teri said she has it in her shed and we can use it). My problems are the back wall, especially the part with the big gate in the wall. But I suppose that lots of tulle will help cover up. I am hoping to get a piece of carpeting to put down first and then white down for the center aisle. The plan is for a twilight wedding with the sun setting behind us. The guests will be facing the fence/ archway so you can see the nice view. Any suggestions are welcomed.
The plan is then to have the reception in the restaurant except it is not a restaurant at this time. The city owns the restaurant and a guy named Dale is leasing it and not opened it yet and says he is not sure when he will, but he will let us use it and cater if necessary

The date is SUNDAY 10/10/10, so save the date if you think you can come.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

"I love to see (and attend) the Temple"

I just love spending the day at the temple. I have to admit I hate the thought of giving up a whole day to go, but it is so worth it once I get there. There were about 12 members of our ward together and we had family names from 2 members. We did initiatory work and an endowment session, so it was a real blessing. I didn't have to drive, was in good company all day and made a quick visit to the bookstore also. I am hoping to someday live closer to a temple, but for now, I will try to remember the wonderful feelings I felt today and continue to attend at least once a month with the ward. For those who live close to a temple, I hope you appreciate it.

On the down side, I had planned to call Lindsey while in Mesa and she was going to meet us at the temple so I could meet Mayan. When I first got down to the church this morning, I called Ray to let him know I would not be driving and the car would be in the parking lot. I then, hurriedly, gathered my belongings and jumped in another car. It wasn't til I got to the temple that I realized my phone was not with me (apparently never made it back in the purse, but on the floor of my car) . But I will go visit the Morris family sometime next week when Di is in Phoenix visiting her kids/grandkids, she and I will go see Lindsey.

So, now that I am refreshed and uplifted, I look forward to the week to come. Ray and I just completed the family history/temple class in Sunday School and have begun the family search for his family. I am looking forward to seeing what information we can gather and begin the important work to be done for his ancestors. It is such a blessing.