Some weekends are just okay and others turn out just great.We had our ward campout this weekend and the weather was perfect for it. Friday evening we had a chili cookoff and got to taste some really good chili and cornbread. We were then spoiled by the Reid family's yearly contribution of dutch oven cobblers. We had apple, peach, raspberry and chocolate raspberry- yum yum. Then the campfire with fun entertainment (including a lip sync performance of "I got you babe" by Sonny Ray and Cher Pat) and a scary story told by a real story teller just before the kids went to bed. Then we finished off the evening with more sugar, cuz what would a campfire be without s'mores? But the kids not being able to sleep was not my problem since I went home to my comfy bed and slept well then got up early to go back for the breakfast. Amy and her kids stayed and said it got cold but they slept well. Breakfast of bacon, eggs and pancakes was good and then my little cub scouts did their flag ceremony without a hitch. After a quick spiritual talk, the campout was officially over but really just began. There were several guys there with their desert toys and they took all kids for rides as long as they wanted to go. We had jeeps and rhinos and whatever else and the kids just went from one to another. I think there were at least 9 vehicles. And then one brother brought his rockets to set off and the kids loved chasing those when they came back to earth. This one event that we do annually is probably the funnest one we have. All kids can play freely and they all play together. There are no restrictions or limits to their play. We camp on a plateau over a small valley and the kids go up and down the hill and we can see them wherever they are.We all get filthy, but it is so much fun. The women sit on edge watching the guys in their toys and watching kids play and we have no responsibilities, just time to enjoy each other's company. There is always someone playing boccie ball or austrailian horeshoes or whatever. Even the babies seem to enjoy this event.
Once we finally decided to leave and come home, the cleanup begins. But after showers are done, laundry is caught up and cars unpacked, we all took small naps and woke up refreshed. I then took my car to a fundraiser carwash where it was detailed inside and out. Then I was able to fill it up for under $30 and that felt good too.
Amy, Faith and I then drove to Parker (45 min away) to see Twilight. Amy told me we should take my car since hers was still filthy from the campout (more about the clean car later) So in Parker there were no lines, no advance ticket sales, just walked right in. Yes, the theater was full of young teen girls and they were a little annoying during the film, but it was still worth it. Here is my take on the movie- GREAT! Yes, it followed the book very closely. And I loved Edward in the movie just like in the book. The other characters were pretty much as described in the book. Edward was the only one that looked way different than I had pictured him and I personally think this actor is not all that good looking, but the character is the same and I fell for him anyway. My problem was not remembering how much was going to happen in this movie since I read all 4 books at the same time and continuously, so I didn't remember what to expect in this movie( like where Twlight left off and where New Moon began) But, to my surprise and delight, this one left off leaving you wanting more, so I expect the sequels are coming. And Amy, who has not read the books, loved the movie and now wants to read the books. I was wondering if it was enough to just see the movie and to her it was. She is hooked. Faith went along just so she didn't have to stay home with the guys, and she thought it was good also, even though some of it got boring to her. But I think she wants to be able to say that she is a Twlight fan.
So the day was perfect so far... Well Amy was driving home and we had gone to a nice dinner prior to the movie, so she wanted to stop and get a shake for on the way home. But once she got to the drive thru, she saw rootbeer float on the menu and so she bought us all one. Faith was really tired and I knew she was going to sleep, so I didn't worry about her making a mess. She put hers in the cupholder and didn't really touch it. Amy and I each had part of ours on the way but had some left (melted) when we got home. As we were getting out of the car, Amy dropped her cup and the melted float went all over the front of the car. Oh well, after everything else had been so good, what could I say? except, of course, clean it up! Hope you all had a nice weekend too.

I can't believe it is warm enough to campout. I am so jealous. Sounds like a great time!
I always put off cleaning my car because as soon as I do something gets spilled! Or if I wash my car it will rain and get all muddy again. I remember we were in Cortez (or Monticello, I don't remember) and a whole jug of koolaid spilled in our van. I bet that wasn't fun to cleanup.
That's what happens when you let people eat and drink things besides bottled water in your car!
I know and I broke my own rules!
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