Saturday, March 6, 2010

"I love to see (and attend) the Temple"

I just love spending the day at the temple. I have to admit I hate the thought of giving up a whole day to go, but it is so worth it once I get there. There were about 12 members of our ward together and we had family names from 2 members. We did initiatory work and an endowment session, so it was a real blessing. I didn't have to drive, was in good company all day and made a quick visit to the bookstore also. I am hoping to someday live closer to a temple, but for now, I will try to remember the wonderful feelings I felt today and continue to attend at least once a month with the ward. For those who live close to a temple, I hope you appreciate it.

On the down side, I had planned to call Lindsey while in Mesa and she was going to meet us at the temple so I could meet Mayan. When I first got down to the church this morning, I called Ray to let him know I would not be driving and the car would be in the parking lot. I then, hurriedly, gathered my belongings and jumped in another car. It wasn't til I got to the temple that I realized my phone was not with me (apparently never made it back in the purse, but on the floor of my car) . But I will go visit the Morris family sometime next week when Di is in Phoenix visiting her kids/grandkids, she and I will go see Lindsey.

So, now that I am refreshed and uplifted, I look forward to the week to come. Ray and I just completed the family history/temple class in Sunday School and have begun the family search for his family. I am looking forward to seeing what information we can gather and begin the important work to be done for his ancestors. It is such a blessing.


Katie said...

We got to go to the temple yesterday too, thanks to my parents. I know what you mean- it is hard to give up a whole day (or half a day, in our case), especially a Saturday, but it is so worth it when you are there.

Christie said...

Let me know if you want any help!

Linda, Mom and Granny said...

We are going Wednesday.