Saturday, November 29, 2008

Food and Family- a GREAT combination

I hate to post about our weekend without posting the pictures, but I can't figure out the downloading problem right now and I have time to write a new post. So we had a great Thanksgiving with beautiful weather, good food and lots of family and friends. Amy ordered a fried turkey from Popeye's to go with our traditional roasted one. We had all the rest of the goodies too including 6 different pies. We feasted! And then we played cards and stayed up late talking and laughing. Yes, we talked about all of you! We miss other family who couldn't be here. Then today, the girls went shopping and the guys went to the desert to shoot bb guns. We will now have a duplicate thanksgiving (leftovers) dinner and play some more cards. We are excited because Amy, Brandie and I found all 5 of our little girls (Mary Beth, Alainna, Isabel, Faith and Alisa) look a like dresses to take pictures in when they come for a visit in December. We got them at Bealles' Outlet for a steal and we hope they all fit. Amy and Brandie will get Cameron and Robert each a polo shirt to match. This is the best part of the holidays, having family around.


Ashley said...

Sounds like fun! When we don't get to spend a holiday with family I always think about the games and late night talking I'm missing out on! It's my favorite part!

Ric and Diona said...

What color are the dresses you found for the girls and what type of footwear did you have in mind. I'm planning my shoe list now and thought I should figure the girls' out at the same time.

mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

the dresses are light brown with some yellow and pink on it, but we are actually thinking barefoot- a casual picture on dad's GREEN lawn.