Taking my life one day at a time and enjoying it as I go.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET, SWEET ALAINNA. Even though I am a day late (again) I did mail the card on time. She turned 7 and is growing up so quickly. Alainna is the most sensitive and emotional of all of my grandkids. She can and does tear up every time we have to say good-bye. She is cuddly and still gives hugs and kisses spontaneously. She has a reverence about her also. She is intuitive to the needs of others. I miss her and her siblings so much and can't wait to see them all soon, but glad to hear her birthday was great!
SIDE NOTE: Funny that I should pick this picture of her to talk about her sweet and sensitive character.
I am just taking it a day at a time...I am a wife of 33 years, birth mother of 3, adoptive mother of 1 and stepmother of 3. I have 15 grandkids which are my true joy. I love my family 2 pieces.
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