Taking my life one day at a time and enjoying it as I go.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My cute and funny bunny Issa. Today she is 5 years old. When I talk to or even think of Isabel, I have to smile. She is a lively little girl with lots of energy. But she is also (so I hear) enjoying being a big sister for the first time. She is the jokester of the family. She loves to tease, especially if she is bored. As a little girl she was the daredevil with no fear. But she is growing into a beautiful young girl, getting ready for kindergarten and we love her 2 pieces. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISABEL!
I am just taking it a day at a time...I am a wife of 33 years, birth mother of 3, adoptive mother of 1 and stepmother of 3. I have 15 grandkids which are my true joy. I love my family 2 pieces.
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