Friday, February 19, 2010

Science Fair winners again!

Cameron (5th grade) is moving on to district level - he will be judged again Tuesday.

And Faith (grade 3) is a little disappointed because for the first time this year, grades K-3 can do a project for the school, but do not move on to district level. But at school level Faith got a 1st place ribbon.

Cameron's was titled "2 Blind Mice- running through a maze" and that was exactly what it was. He tested his mice, Jack and Zack, going through a cardboard maze to see if they did it any quicker for a certain reward. He had fun with this.

Faith did a taste survey (in front of Albertson's) to see if people pick a jelly bean by color or taste. This was just up her alley (talking with people /eating).

They both impressed the judges with their ability to explain their project and not be shy about it.

Science fair projects are my "responsibility". Amy doesn't have time. Grandpa doesn't have time. So, it has been me for the last 4 years and I really enjoy it (if we find something they are interested in doing). And, they have each won every year!

So if anyone needs to do a science fair project and just needs an idea or help, this grandma may have some helpful hints.
UPDATE: Cam won a 1st place at district level and was 1 of 6 top scores (out of 101 projects) who gets to move on to county level

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What 4-day weekend? / Happy Anniversary?

Since Amy had surgery on Jan. 29 and then took off 10 days for recovery, she was scheduled to work all this week and everyday of the weekend. Too bad this happened to be our anniversary weekend also. But, seriously, we weren't really planning to do too much about the anniversary since we decided to take a trip to British Columbia in April. So, the weekend starts with Friday and Ray has 2 doctor appointments scheduled in Palm Springs area. I decided to go with him and at least we made a day of it- lunch, dinner and shopping. But reality back in Blythe- Faith had a 8:00 am soccer game on Saturday, followed by Cameron's at 10:30. And it is the last weekend before science fair, so we had projects to finish. Then it happens to be our stake conference which meant a Saturday evening adult meeting and then a Sunday 9:00 meeting for everyone. Busy, busy weekend and no rest for the weary!

But Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband of 35 years! I love him and appreciate his love and support. I am looking forward to a slowed-down version of life with him in the near future.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blog vs. Facebook

I hate to admit it, but it is so much simpler to just make a comment on FB than to type a post for the blog. But, I miss hearing details about everyone's families. I get on here now and just go directly to Ashley's and Katie's blogs because they are most likely to have new posts. Danielle is good too, Christie and Audra are so-so, Jessica is okay, but, the rest of us, are just lousy at updating blogs. Everyone is busy, some computers are SLOWER than others, and some people just don't think they have any NEW news to share, but we really should try to post more often (think of it as the PARKINS PRESS made easy) if nothing more than writing our history. I will often print the latest posts out to take to Grandma and Grandpa when I am going to visit. I know they appreciate the news and the pictures.

So get back on here and post something! Everyone try to post at least once a month if you can. Thanks