Monday, July 7, 2008

Warning: boring post

I started the weekend by leaving work at 1:30 on Thursday because I ran out of things to do at work. There was only a skeleton crew working throughout the district and every time I thought of something I needed to take care of, I would make a phone call and get a voice mail. So, I gave up and went home. But then all I did at home was housework. Amy had been off for 2 days and the kids didn't have school on Thursday, so they each had a friend spend the night on Wed. So I had done nothing for 2 days and since I still had energy from doing nothing at work, I spent the energy well and did lots of housework.

The rest of the weekend was just about as boring as it gets. It was very HOT so not much to do. We spent 4th of July day indoors until about 4:30 when a ward family came over to swim. Another family joined us about 6:00 and then we barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs. Everyone took off about 8:00 to go see the fireworks at the fairgrounds. Amy got off work at 7:30 so she took the kids. Ray, Ryan and I realized we could see the fireworks from our front yard, so that is as far as we went.

Saturday was ward temple day and youth baptisms for the dead, so Ray was a designated driver. I was home with the kids and babysat for another ward family so they could attend the temple. We swam a lot and worked on the rain gutter tracks for our cub scout rain gutter regatta. I did a pretty good job I think (other than slicing my thumb open). The regatta will be held Wed., so we will cross our fingers the track works without any leaks. Cameron also painted his boat and got carried away with some stickers. Now this is where I should be inputting some pictures, but I still don't know how to do that, so let your imagination go wild.

Sunday was equally as uneventful as the rest of the weekend. Church was ...well, it was fast and testimony meeting, what can I say? Then the missionaries came for dinner and I did fix an extra nice meal for them (Elder Kerr's birthday was Saturday). I made chicken cordon bleu, ricotta pasta, corn, salad and a yummy strawberry cream pie. They ate, shared a scripture and were gone by 6:00 PM which made for an early evening.

This blog is serving as my journal, I guess, and so I am just writing to write. Don't mean to bore you all, but it was a boring weekend. Next weekend promises to be better, we will be going to Lakewood for our 2 grandsons' baptism. Ray Jr.'s 2 oldest boys who are 12 & 14 are getting baptized. They have wanted to for years now but their mom would not agree until now. They are excited and love their new ward (they are off at scout camp this week). I am hoping to make a weekend in Lakewood/Long Beach and not just the usual day drive.


Christie said...

Wow, that's a lot of fun-sounding stuff for it to be so boring!

Ashley said...

Man, sounds like a lovely weekend! That's exciting that Ray's sons are getting baptized!