Friday, August 22, 2008

Amy's good news/ our future plans

Amy is now enrolled in her Bachlor Degree/ RN classes. She has to commute to Phoenix once a week (for now, it may be 3 days a week when clinicals start) and it will take 2 1/2 years, but she is on the right track. She is very excited and anxious to start Sept. 29. Luckily she has friends in the Phoenix area and can spend the night. The hospital will work with her on her work schedule. The only bad part is that she may not get too many weekends off with needing 2 days during the week, but it is a sacrifice she is willing to make.

And this program fits right into our plans for the future. Ray and I had talked seriously about our plans and decided he would try to retire in Aug. 2010. I will continue to work for awhile so we can adjust to finances and stuff. But then we will purchase a 5th wheel and take off for awhile. We plan to work as campground hosts at least for the summer to see how we like it. We figured this would be a good job for all of us. Ray and Ryan will enjoy meeting new people and I can still do some "paperwork". We hope to hosts all over the country and then may be able to decide where we will want to live. We will then sell the house and buy something smaller somewhere. Ray is still hoping for Mississippi but I still want to stay in California but northern and closer to the ocean. I love California weather and the Pacific Ocean. That part we have not decided on yet. And it may depend on where all the kids end up. Ric and Diona are thinking about Washington (state) again and Ray and Brandie have talked about Oregon. Cami is in Virginia now and looks like she plans to stay there. And Amy will be just finishing school and will be able to go anywhere. So we will see where we end up. But wherever, we will have a 5th wheel parked outside to house visitors anytime. It's nice to finally have concrete plans in place and give us something to work towards. Ray will have worked for 45 years by then and I will be just at 30 years. Time flies when you are having so much fun!


Ashley said...

Sounds exciting! Being a campground host sounds like a lot of fun, and your family is just perfect for it! (Who can resist Ray's personality!?)
If you end up somewhere interesting we might come and check out that 5th wheel for a few nights. :)

Christie said...

Sounds like a good plan! I can just see y'all as campground hosts! You'd be the kind that used to come check on me in my little tent after a storm.

Jamie said...

I could see you guys doing that, you would be great!