Friday, May 1, 2009

Lazy days...

I think the warm weather has brought out some reminiscing in me. I am ready for summer vacations. Even if it is just a weekend here, a weekend there. Camping, traveling, just a change of pace, a change of scenery. I am bummed because our family reunion for this year has been cancelled because of Ric's new duty status back in Washington, but we were able to re-schedule for next year and I think it will be so fun with a 1 year old running around with all his older cousins. I will still be going to Virginia in June to see my grandson just after his birth, but the rest of the family will have to wait a little longer. Ric is hoping his family will come to California on their way to Washington. I am also anxious to see Cami- she moved in June last year, so it has been a year.

I'm so tired of spending every weekend re-arranging or cleaning up and organizing every room and closet in my house (and garage). I am ready to get down to some serious lazy days. I am looking forward to reading again, just for pleasure (no more reading every government website looking for school bus grant money!) And just hanging out with grandkids in the pool or at the river with no concerns about hurrying home to get ready for the next week at work.

Life is just too short to stress all the time. If I were a senior in high school we would call this senioriits, but what do you call it when you're a senior and it's for a lifetime? I can't wait.


Linda, Mom and Granny said...

I hear ya! I am so tired of work at the rentals and our house. I know will going to Missouri when the baby comes, and it should be soon. And that isn't a vacation without Bob. And then to Charlotte to work in our new house.

Moving across the country is hard work, too. When does the work stop?

Ashley said...

I know having a newborn around won't be relaxing, but I'm looking forward to Roy having the WHOLE SUMMER OFF! Hopefully we can make a few day trips and do some interesting things this summer. (If we aren't moving, which we still don't know)

Bob, Dad and Grandpa said...

Is it senior citizenitis. I've really got it. Twentynine school days and 56 calendar days left.

Ric and Diona said...

Well I can use someone to hang with the girls in WA still schol starts.