Saturday, October 3, 2009

The bad side of Facebook

I am a little depressed right now. Two things happened on my Facebook which I found hard to take. First, let me say, I am fairly new to FB and I'm not even sure of its' capabilities or if I even "do it right". So today while looking at my friends list, I was shown an option "search for classmates from Millikan High class of 1972". Wow, that sounded pretty good to me. I have not been to ANY class reunion (nor have I had a desire to go) but was still curious enough to go look. So it showed me 176 classmates and I only knew 1! I swear to you, I did not recognize the name or face of any of the other 175 classmates. Did I sleep through 4 years of my life? How could I not know anyone? I will be the first to admit that I didn't like high school, I don't have fond memories of it or of teachers or friends (except one teacher who was killed the year after I graduated). I had a steady boyfriend all 4 years and I know that I tended to hang out with my sister's church friends (a year younger) but, come on, shouldn't I know someone from a class? I think it is just freaky.

The second thing is simply this: I thought I would ask to be a friend to just about anyone I know, so when a young niece confirmed me as a friend, I was happy to think I could keep in touch with her once in awhile. WRONG! Instead, I am going to her wall and reading texts between her and her young and just as crazy friends and finding out more than I want to know about her and her life. Things I didn't know about her and don't want to know. I feel bad, I never meant to "spy" on her but obviously she is using FB as her social calendar and probably most of her "friends" are just that and not fudy-dudy old relatives. I can just stop going to her wall and then I won't have to know what she is up to, but, can you also drop friends, take her off my list? Like I said, TMI for me. It shouldn't bother me so much, but it does.


Ashley said...

I hope I'm not that niece ;) Yes, you can remove her from your list - just go to your friend list and click on the X mark next to her name. I'm sure she won't even notice that you removed her.

Ya know, if 30 years from now I look back in my high school year book and can only remember the name of 1 classmate - I don't really care :) I'm like you - don't have that many fond memories of HS. I'm sure I'll remember the important memories, and the rest is just all the HS drama that I want to forget! Maybe your mind is trying to block it!

mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

Ashley, you don't know how much you remind me of myself. Hope that doesn't scare you too much :D

Your mom was the social butterfly, I was just going through the motions. Now seminary is another story- I loved my seminary years and have fond memories of that.

Jessica said...

I know, Ashley, it always makes you wonder if you're the neice. :D Somehow I don't think my life is wild and crazy enough to make Pat cringe, though. I take it back if I'm the one though ;). As for high school, I hated it, but I did manage to make some good friends. Though all the ones I wanted to keep in touch with I really did. Facebook more puts you in touch with the ones I had forgotten about (probably on purpose), and now I have to skip over their weird rantings.

Linda, Mom and Granny said...

Yep, me too, but I'm over it! I have some memories, like lunch with my friends, and Art class, and 1st period PE with most of the church girls after Seminary and a good Science teacher. I never went to our reunion, I will love to a go a reunion LB 3rd Ward!!

Sad about the niece..

Unknown said...

Well, I'm also glad to know you can drop someone from your list. I agree. TMI. And it worries me. But hopefully, they all sooner or later grow up and become responsible adults.

It's funny, I don't feel like I had many friends in high school, especially from Millikan, I've been put in contact with some of my high school associates since then through soccer, baseball and basically, my kids. And those associates have become friends over the years. I think I have more close friends from my Tot Lot days. Maybe because in high school, everyone is so busy worrying about having friends and as adults, there is actually a tie to the friends. I also know that most of my "true" friends, came from church - 4th ward and 1st ward. I still love going to 1st ward when I have the grandkids here so that they can go with their cousins and seeing everyone. And they are always so welcoming. I wish I felt that in my home ward! And I think my very best friends, my "BFF" are my sisters, sisters-in-law, children, their spouses and all of our grandkids and kids. Our family is what matters most and I love every single one of you even if I don't see you often or talk to you often!