Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kids and Politics

For those who don't know, in California we are trying to save the traditional marriage between man and woman only. The church is behind this proposition and there are YES ON 8 signs and bumper stickers all over town, including in our yard and on our cars. Recently someone went around and stole the signs out of yards. But between this, the presidential debates and all the TV ads, the kids are picking up a lot.

Yesterday in all her 7 year old wisdom, Faith declared to us "Bobbie Jo is so dumb. She says No on 8 just because the guys promised to build a super WalMart in Blythe and is gonna pay our taxes!" She may be confusing a few issues here, but she knows the answer is YES on 8.

And I overheard Cameron and a church friend discussing the stolen signs. Cameron said, "it just doesn't make any sense, we already know what we are going to vote anyway, we already know what is right" You go Cameron, CTR!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Does she seriously know someone named Bobbie Jo? I thought names were bad here!